

  一.苯吸附:25%(动态测试); >35%(静态测试)
  九.正抗压强度:气相型蜂窝活性炭::>0.8Pa; 液相型蜂窝活性炭:>1.2Pa;
  Product technical parameters:
  Benzene adsorption: 25% (dynamic test); >35% (static test)
  Two. Hole number: 100.150.200 hole / square inch;
  Three. Wall thickness: 0.5mm;
  Four. Specification: 100x100x100 (mm); 100x100x50 (mm); 50x50x100 (mm)
  Five. Bulk density: (380-450) kg/m3;
  Six. Air resistance of air tower: 490Pa (wind speed 0.8m/s; bed thickness 60cm);
  Seven. Desorption temperature: <120 degrees;
  Eight. Service life: >4 years (no pollution; no sealing hole);
  Nine. Positive compressive strength: gas phase honeycomb activated carbon:: >0.8Pa; liquid phase honeycomb activated carbon: >1.2Pa;
  Ten. Other specifications (such as the number of holes, wall thickness, size, etc.): can be customized according to customer requirements
  Eleven. Honeycomb activated carbon 100*100*100mm is a cube of 1000, 1 boxes of =18 block, a cubic =56 box (18 pieces of the pack) in

淮北普邦环保材料有限公司拥有一支技术过硬,作风优良的生产销售【碳酸氢钠】团队! 公司的发展战略目标:实事求是、脚踏实地、开拓创新、诚信服务于国内外客户、发展具有特色的【碳酸氢钠】行业共赢之路! 为了更好地迎接未来的机遇与挑战,公司诚邀有志之士加盟,在公司发展壮大的过程中,体现人生价值,实现个人梦想。

  Honeycomb activated carbon depends on the adsorption capacity of activated carbon adsorption, so the quality of honeycomb activated carbon is equal to the adsorption capacity of honeycomb activated carbon. There are 3 ways to identify the adsorption value of the activated carbon, the following is to introduce the specific implementation of these 3 methods:
